Sometimes people, friends, or not, ask me why I go to church. They seem to be surprised that I spent so much time to sing, take care of the web —or other tasks.
For them, in the sort of tornado that their life could be, with the kids and following them to sporting events, to college or high school, shopping, the responsibilities of their jobs, the banks, the “this and that” … they don’t always see the importance to go to church or they tell me they don’t have time. All what is perceived by some of us as a perpetual, but necessary “noise” where we lose ourselves in daily activities and responsibilities, does not leave a lot of room for spirituality. But at the occasion of a drama, a loss, a natural catastrophe, we stop and have a second look at what is really important and how small we are, and how lucky we are in any case, and how we should be grateful for every day that God gives us. Our kids and us, we are swallowed by this vortex of videos, screens and other disturbances that make the usual environment of a normal American family today. Murders, sex, violence, wars, kidnapping, riots, vulgarity are all over the place, at any time. And we hear so many mixed messages all day, every day. And we are somehow supposed to, really have to, transmit some values to our kids because it is our job. We do our best, yes our best. Even if our kids are grown-up and living their lives far away, even if we live alone, even if we are not alone but deeply lonely, we still face this disturbing environment. Even if we are really happy just because the light of the day is so beautiful, or because there is a bird singing on the branch of a blooming tree, or because pain is fading away. Just happy. Even for all of that and certainly other reasons, yours. About me, I need to be in a place where other human beings share with me the need to open our heart to the Love of Christ, the need to just stop for a little while and pray, and be in the light of a candle, and feel the emotions of the music provoked by the choir and the organ. I need the church to be with other human beings (my relationship with God is personal). Of course, I enjoy the readings and the permanent discovery of the Jesus’s teachings, but I know, deep within myself, that the most important thing for me is to take this time to be with you and meet you all, because I need your smile, your eyes and your silhouette. I need your voices that speak about life, the real life. Not the one of the soap operas. I need to know if I can be a little helpful to you if you need it. So if I do not go to the church, I can’t be with you all. Don’t think that Facebook would replace this hug that can make all the difference to somebody. I don’t speak to the telephone but through it. This is why I go to the church, and especially to The Church of the Savior almost every Sunday: for this Christian Love that unites us. The church is the place where time slows down and where you open your heart. Thank you for being with me every week. Thank you for being with me every week. Jean BUCQUET
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